Privacy Policy

Last updated Dec 6th, 2018

We take your privacy very seriously and we encourage you to review this policy.

We are Picked Group Limited, and we trade under the name “Picked”. You can read more about us and you in our Terms of Service.


We use the data that talents and employers give us with their consent to help match a talent with an employer. We don’t share the data outside the company, other than what a talent chooses to publically share.

When a talent or employer signs up to use Picked, we ask your permission to store this data by confirming you’ve accepted these terms.

The controller of the data is Picked Group Limited. You can withdraw consent for Picked holding your data or ask what data we hold on you by emailing

Unfortunately the service is not useful without a minimum amount of personal data. You may remove your personal data, but it may affect Picked’s ability to match you with potential jobs.

Your data is stored outside the European Economic Area to ensure reliability and speed, but only with suppliers we trust. This data is not accessible to anybody else but us.


We use cookies (and other methods of storage on your computer) to track you through the site.

There are two kinds. The first kind are for logging you into the site so we know who you are. The second kind are for tracking your behaviour. We use this second kind to work out how to make our site better, understand what sort of computer you’re using, and where you’re using the site. For the second kind, we use a few services. These include Google Analytics and Autopilot.

_gaAllows Google Analytics to track you. No personally identifiable data is stored by Google Analytics.
_gidAllows Google Analytics to track you specific behaviour, such as a journey.