Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to sign up.
It just takes 2 mins to set-up an account. Once that's done and you're approved, you'll instantly be put live.
What roles do you hire for?
We hire for tech, marketing, finance and sales roles.
How much does Picked cost?
For talent, Picked is free, forever. For employers we charge a simple success fee for each placement. There are no hidden or set-up fees and if you don't hire someone through Picked, you don't pay us a penny,
How long does it take to hire?
As soon as your account is live, you're ready to start making and receiving offers. Typically, the full process from sourcing to interviewing and hiring, takes just 13 days.
What type of employers do you have?
We invite only the best companies to join our platform, ranging from startups to enterprise level.
What type of talent do you have?
We have a unique pool of graduate talent with only the best 10% approved.
Is my personal information safe?
Yes, of course. Your information is fully secure and will never be shared.
Is my payment secure?
We use Stripe, a fully accredited payment platform, so our customers can have peace of mind.
Can I change my company information after I have registered?
Yes, just message and let someone in our team know what changes you would like to make and we can edit them right away.
Any further questions?
Simply shoot an email to and our support team will get back to you right away.